Using IIS 4.0, I generated a request to renew our current certificate. On the certificate authority's web site, I ran into a glitch where they couldn't take our renewal order number - the input field was too small to support the order number they generated. As a work around, they asked us to create a new certificate request, which I did. I sent the new CSR to the certificate authority. They sent back the newly generated certificate - all was well.
I went into the key manager and found that someone had accidentally deleted the incomplete key that I needed to install the certificate.
I have the key request .txt file and the certificate. Using these two pieces, is there any way, any tool, any trick I can use to regenerate that incomplete key so that I can install this certificate? Or am I out the money for the cert and need to start over?
I went into the key manager and found that someone had accidentally deleted the incomplete key that I needed to install the certificate.
I have the key request .txt file and the certificate. Using these two pieces, is there any way, any tool, any trick I can use to regenerate that incomplete key so that I can install this certificate? Or am I out the money for the cert and need to start over?