Searched but could not find an answer to this one. I have a form that runs a query that returns a set of records for a report. The query has a date field that corresponds to the field on the record. My form has Unbound text boxes for to and from dates. I want to be able to query the records based on the to and from boxes on the form but also be able to pull in all records for all dates if these text boxes are left blank. I thought maybe a IIF staement with a statement thats says iff the text boxes are blank (Null) give all dates and if not give records between the from box and the to box. Hope someone can make out what I am trying to say here. I tried several times but am not all that great with the language. Any help or suggestions would be great. P.S. The query works fine with just the Between staement or just leaving it blank, I just want it both ways.