The problem is with the footer as in awk you don't know
the number of records in a file before the "END" block.
Therefor, you don't know whether you're processing a footer
or you're still in the "body" of the file.
The easiest way is to calculate the number of records/lines
in a file prior to calling awk/nawk and pass the "begin/end"
pivots to awk.
# awk program to strip first and last 3 lines from a file.
if (NR == 4)
hld[0] = $0
else if (NR == 5)
hld[1] = $0
else if (NR == 6)
hld[2] = $0
ix = 0
else if (NR > 6)
print hld[ix]
hld[ix] = $0
if (ix > 2) ix=0
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