Hello all. I get this file full of new membership numbers abiout once a month that I have to "load from * insert into" a table. I get this file from a user whose attention to detail leaves something to be desired, and so I almost always end up with two or three member numbers from the month before intermingled with 1000's of other numbers. This of course makes my load/insert statement choke and sends me searching for the dupes, commenting out the numbers that did insert, etc...
Is there anyway to do something similar to VBs "on error resume next" with dbaccess? It would be nice if the query engine just through these bad numbers out for my review later and kept on going. I did try to set the violations table, but I dont know if I got the syntax wrong or I am just having trouble understanding IBMs manual.
Please help...this is making me pre-postal.
Is there anyway to do something similar to VBs "on error resume next" with dbaccess? It would be nice if the query engine just through these bad numbers out for my review later and kept on going. I did try to set the violations table, but I dont know if I got the syntax wrong or I am just having trouble understanding IBMs manual.
Please help...this is making me pre-postal.