I'm 1st line support and I'm trying to get Ignite working on a couple of users PCs. This all worked fine in the office but when at home on their own broadband, it doesn't want to work. When installing and it gets to the point of putting ContactCentre in where it asks for hostname or IP, that should then tick to say it's connected. It doesn't, I get an exclamation mark saying it can't connect to the remote server.
Is this a problem with their own ISPs maybe? Could they be blocking something. We have plenty of users where it works fine but some that it just won't work for. They are also using Contact Centre 7.3 and this works fine.
I have spoken to our support company for the Micollab/Mitel software and they tell me it's an issue with the local machine.
I'm 1st line support and I'm trying to get Ignite working on a couple of users PCs. This all worked fine in the office but when at home on their own broadband, it doesn't want to work. When installing and it gets to the point of putting ContactCentre in where it asks for hostname or IP, that should then tick to say it's connected. It doesn't, I get an exclamation mark saying it can't connect to the remote server.
Is this a problem with their own ISPs maybe? Could they be blocking something. We have plenty of users where it works fine but some that it just won't work for. They are also using Contact Centre 7.3 and this works fine.
I have spoken to our support company for the Micollab/Mitel software and they tell me it's an issue with the local machine.