Does anyone know if I can find out if a user is a member of a specified group.
Company wants to put on OWA restrictions to only allow certain persons to access mail. Can't use F/S permissions as OWA will not work.
Proposed solution:
In logon.asp was going to put a line of code to the effect of := If member of OWA access group then run rest of page else redirect them to the "you don't have access to this page screen"
Anyone know how I can find out if they are a member of the group?
Company wants to put on OWA restrictions to only allow certain persons to access mail. Can't use F/S permissions as OWA will not work.
Proposed solution:
In logon.asp was going to put a line of code to the effect of := If member of OWA access group then run rest of page else redirect them to the "you don't have access to this page screen"
Anyone know how I can find out if they are a member of the group?