Technical User
Need some help. This if..then statement does not seem to be working. Can anyone see why? This takes some data(IF it's present in the DB) and outputs into the topic.asp under the "# of posts" area under the avatar. It does outout the data like it should, but if no data is present at all, I want it to just print a "nbsp;"...let me know what you think. Thanks.
An example of the output:
The first post is as it should be, but in the replies, because there are no alias' entered yet, I do not want the "ALIAS'" part ot show. Tis is a snippet from the code I am trying to implement. It seems to ignore the If...OR...THEN statements.
Jeff Baldwin
An example of the output:
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
The first post is as it should be, but in the replies, because there are no alias' entered yet, I do not want the "ALIAS'" part ot show. Tis is a snippet from the code I am trying to implement. It seems to ignore the If...OR...THEN statements.
if (strTitan <> "") OR (strAbsolute <> "") OR (strFair <> "") OR (strPokercom <> "") OR (strBetfred <> "") then
Response.Write "<p align=""center"" style=""margin-bottom:2px; margin-top:5px;""><b><font face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strDefaultFontSize & """ color=""#000000""> Poker Alias' </font></b></p>" & vbNewLine
if strTitan = 1 and trim(Member_Titan) <> "" then
Response.Write " <b><font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>Titan: </b>" & ChkString(Member_Titan,"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewline
end if
if strAbsolute = 1 and trim(Member_Absolute) <> "" then
Response.Write " <b><font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>Absolute: </b>" & ChkString(Member_Absolute,"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewline
end if
if strFair = 1 and trim(Member_Fair) <> "" then
Response.Write " <b><font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>Fair: </b>" & ChkString(Member_Fair,"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewline
end if
if strPokercom = 1 and trim(Member_Pokercom) <> "" then
Response.Write " <b><font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>Poker.Com: </b>" & ChkString(Member_Pokercom,"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewline
end if
if strBetfred = 1 and trim(Member_Betfred) <> "" then
Response.Write " <b><font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>BetFred: </b>" & ChkString(Member_Betfred,"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewline
end if
Response.Write "</p>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "<p> </p>" & vbNewLine
End if
Jeff Baldwin