OK here's how the table I want to get information out of is designed.
year - pay 1 - pay 2 - pay 3 - pay 4 - pay 5 etc all the way to 12
02 0 0 100 0 0
01 0 100 0 0 0
It's an accounting table used to see when things were paid. ex. 02 and field 3 having 100 in it means 100 dollars was paid in March 2002 on this contract.
Here is what I'm trying to do. I want to create a parameter that queries the user to enter a year and month. Then I need an If - Then statement that references the table and pulls out any payments for that given month. Something to the extent of:
if [year] + (Right[title of Pay 1],1) = {parameter} then [Pay 1] else 0 or
if [year] + (Right[title of Pay 2],1) = {parameter} then [Pay 2] else 0, etc all the way up to Pay 12.
Is anything like this possible? Is it possible to somehow reference the title of a field in a formula?
Thanks for any help you may have.
year - pay 1 - pay 2 - pay 3 - pay 4 - pay 5 etc all the way to 12
02 0 0 100 0 0
01 0 100 0 0 0
It's an accounting table used to see when things were paid. ex. 02 and field 3 having 100 in it means 100 dollars was paid in March 2002 on this contract.
Here is what I'm trying to do. I want to create a parameter that queries the user to enter a year and month. Then I need an If - Then statement that references the table and pulls out any payments for that given month. Something to the extent of:
if [year] + (Right[title of Pay 1],1) = {parameter} then [Pay 1] else 0 or
if [year] + (Right[title of Pay 2],1) = {parameter} then [Pay 2] else 0, etc all the way up to Pay 12.
Is anything like this possible? Is it possible to somehow reference the title of a field in a formula?
Thanks for any help you may have.