Im not quite sure where you are putting this syntax, but try taking out the "=" signs, and add in a ":"
If([SumOfQuantity]>75 and <101) Then
ElseIf[SumOfQuantity])>100 Then
End If
Otherwise you may to to reference the actual control
If([SumOfQuantity]>75 and <101) Then
[ControlName] = ([SumOfQuantity]*5)
ElseIf[SumOfQuantity])>100 Then
End If
You cannot test two values at the same time. You will need to do:
If([SumOfQuantity]>75) and ([SumOfQuantity]<101) Then
AVariable = ([SumOfQuantity]*5)
ElseIf ([SumOfQuantity]>100) Then
AVariable = ([SumOfQuantity]*10)
End If
I have moved the brackets to where they should be (compare to your original post). Also, you will need to assign the result to a variable of some sort (AVariable in this example).
Be aware that Access will not short-circuit the first IF statement - both tests will be calculated, even if the first (>75) is false.
This looks like you are working in the query design view. If that is the case then SQL does not recognize If-Then-Else so you need to use a nested IIf like this:
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