I use the following formula to show Average Talk Time for a group of employees.
This formula works great if the first person listed in the report has answered calls during the specified time period, however, if the first person listed has zero calls answered then everyone on the report shows as zero. Does this make sense to anyone? Can someone offer a possible solution?
Thanks in advance
if ({iAgentPerformanceStat.CallsAnswered}) = 0 then 0 else round(sum({iAgentPerformanceStat.TalkTime}, {iAgentPerformanceStat.AgentSurName})/sum({iAgentPerformanceStat.CallsAnswered},{iAgentPerformanceStat.AgentSurName}));
This formula works great if the first person listed in the report has answered calls during the specified time period, however, if the first person listed has zero calls answered then everyone on the report shows as zero. Does this make sense to anyone? Can someone offer a possible solution?
Thanks in advance