I am trying to do the following:
Our company contributes $1 for every $1 you contribute up to the first 2.5% of your pre-tax pay to a max of $2,500.
Here is my formula:
(If ({@Term Date} ="")
and (Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025) < 2500
and ({@EC1EC2EC3} >0)
then (Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025)
else if ({@Term Date} ="")
and ((Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025) > {@EC1EC2EC3} )and ({@EC1EC2EC3} >0)
then ({@EC1EC2EC3})
else 0)
It is not returning everything correctly. For example if the employee does not match 2.5% then the company does not.
(Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee}) - Employees Gross Wages
{@EC1EC2EC3} - Employees contribution
Any help would be appreciated!
Our company contributes $1 for every $1 you contribute up to the first 2.5% of your pre-tax pay to a max of $2,500.
Here is my formula:
(If ({@Term Date} ="")
and (Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025) < 2500
and ({@EC1EC2EC3} >0)
then (Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025)
else if ({@Term Date} ="")
and ((Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee})*.025) > {@EC1EC2EC3} )and ({@EC1EC2EC3} >0)
then ({@EC1EC2EC3})
else 0)
It is not returning everything correctly. For example if the employee does not match 2.5% then the company does not.
(Sum ({@GrossAmount}, {PREA.Employee}) - Employees Gross Wages
{@EC1EC2EC3} - Employees contribution
Any help would be appreciated!