for somehow I could make this right. I needed 2 conditions in the if statement with the first condition in the market not in 'A','B','C'or the second condition with the market not in 'D' that has the type "Fruit" then show totalsale by salesperson
Below is my statement and please correct it for me.Thanks
if not{table22;1.Market} in ["A","B","B"]) or
({table22;1.Market}<>"D" and {table22;1.Type} ="fruit")
Sum ({table22;1.totalsale}, {table22;1.salesperson})
else 0
Below is my statement and please correct it for me.Thanks
if not{table22;1.Market} in ["A","B","B"]) or
({table22;1.Market}<>"D" and {table22;1.Type} ="fruit")
Sum ({table22;1.totalsale}, {table22;1.salesperson})
else 0