I have a an asp page that shows a view of a record, if you click on edit then the script below is activated, the script lives in the edit page
right now in the example above, if the temp is blank then it takes you to a page asking you to enter a name, if the temp is not blank then it sends you to edit the record
what I am trying to do is to add users and be able to redirect them to a specific record
not sure if this is possible
I have a an asp page that shows a view of a record, if you click on edit then the script below is activated, the script lives in the edit page
<script language="JavaScript">
temp= window.prompt ("Please Type Your Name" , "");
if (temp=="") { window.location="[URL unfurl="true"]http://mywebsite.com/myblankpage.html";}[/URL]
right now in the example above, if the temp is blank then it takes you to a page asking you to enter a name, if the temp is not blank then it sends you to edit the record
what I am trying to do is to add users and be able to redirect them to a specific record
if (temp=="Joe", "Sam", "sam", "joe")
{ window.location="[URL unfurl="true"]http://mywebsite.com/editpage.asp?id=23";}[/URL]
not sure if this is possible