have a query that needs to sum as holsum if hourdayid = 1
or sum as holsumhours if hourdayid = 2
am trying to use mysql IF statement had tried using case
but couldnt get it to work - could use two queries using where hourdayid=1 etc but this seems a waste
thanks MG
have a query that needs to sum as holsum if hourdayid = 1
or sum as holsumhours if hourdayid = 2
am trying to use mysql IF statement had tried using case
but couldnt get it to work - could use two queries using where hourdayid=1 etc but this seems a waste
thanks MG
SELECT CC.code, CC.holtype, CBB.halfday,
IF CBB.hourdayid = '2' THEN
(SUM(cbb.mfithours) AS holsumhours)
(SUM(CASE WHEN CBB.halfday = 'checked' THEN ((TO_DAYS(CBB.bookend) - TO_DAYS(CBB.bookst) + 1)/2)
ELSE (TO_DAYS(CBB.bookend) - TO_DAYS(CBB.bookst) + 1) END) AS holsum)
FROM holtype AS CC
(SELECT CB.bookst, CB.bookend, CB.userholid, CB.holbookid, CB.holtypeid, CB.deptid, CB.halfday, CB.hourdayid, CB.mfithours, CB.hourdayid
FROM holbook AS CB
WHERE CB.userholid = '79'
AND ((cb.bookst BETWEEN '20080101' AND '20081231')
OR (cb.bookend BETWEEN '20080101' AND '20081231')
OR (cb.bookst <= '20080101') AND (cb.bookend >= '20081231')))
AS CBB ON CC.holtypeid = CBB.holtypeid
GROUP BY CC.holtypeid
ORDER BY CC.holtypeid