Dear All,
Thank you for a great forum!
I have the following problem:
I have a query that produces different results via combo boxes and text boxes...
The user will either leave the combobox blank or fill it in.
One of these boxes are decision types.
So if the user chooses, PER (permitted) then the report displays all permitted applications.
However if the user wants all applications some with some without decisions
and they leave the box blank, when I run the query it outputs only applications with decisions instead of both with and without.
I tried the following:
This worked if the combox box was blank;
However when the combobox was used for example PER:
The query would display the blank decisions and PER decisions at the same time;
whereas I only then want the PER decisions to display.
How would I craft the query to do this, considering the above criteria?
My only other thought is VB, please save me from that thought
Thank you for any forthcoming help.
Thank you,
Kind regards
Thank you for a great forum!
I have the following problem:
I have a query that produces different results via combo boxes and text boxes...
The user will either leave the combobox blank or fill it in.
One of these boxes are decision types.
So if the user chooses, PER (permitted) then the report displays all permitted applications.
However if the user wants all applications some with some without decisions
and they leave the box blank, when I run the query it outputs only applications with decisions instead of both with and without.
I tried the following:
Is Null Or Like "*" & [forms]![MainScreen].[cmbDcDec] & "*"
This worked if the combox box was blank;
However when the combobox was used for example PER:
The query would display the blank decisions and PER decisions at the same time;
whereas I only then want the PER decisions to display.
How would I craft the query to do this, considering the above criteria?
My only other thought is VB, please save me from that thought
Thank you for any forthcoming help.
Thank you,
Kind regards