This is being pulled from a previous page drop-down list
reqid = request("vendorsdrop"
sql = "Select * from vendors where id = " & reqid '">"
Dim myRS
set myRS=server.createobject("adodb.recordset" sql, "dsn=db1"
My question is: How can I redirect or display an error message if the user forget to make a selection from the drop-down and simply submits the initial value of "Select to Edit"
Only if I really helped you
V (-:
reqid = request("vendorsdrop"
sql = "Select * from vendors where id = " & reqid '">"
Dim myRS
set myRS=server.createobject("adodb.recordset" sql, "dsn=db1"
My question is: How can I redirect or display an error message if the user forget to make a selection from the drop-down and simply submits the initial value of "Select to Edit"
Only if I really helped you
V (-: