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If fuction with multiple if's issues 1

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Mar 13, 2001

I'm having a really stange error.
Im using the KeyAscii function to read buttons pressed from a remote control(it works, no need to go into details). In the program I'm setting these buttons to perform certain tasks. (mainly to use with winamp, play, stop, next, etc.)
The prblem arrises when I try to check that no button has been assigned twice.
I thought I could use the 'If' fucntion then use 'Or' to specify if a button has been used more than once

PauseBut = KeyAscii
If PauseBut = PrevBut Or PlayBut Then
MsgBox "Already Assigned This Button."
Exit Sub
End If

But no matter what the 'pausebut' value is, it will get a positive hit from the 'If' statement.

Am i usuing the 'Or' statement incorrectly???
or what is the problem???


Your code
If PauseBut = PrevBut Or PlayBut Then

will give true for any non-zero value for playbut

You need If PauseBut = PrevBut Or PauseBut = PlayBut Then

The 'or' is a logic 'or' not a grammatical 'or' so it looks at the values of the 2 expressions either side. In your case one expression is 'If pausebut = Prevbut' and the other expression is Playbut.

Normal logic rules (as used by 'Or') take 0 as false and any non-zero value as true. Let me know if this helps
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'There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.'
What is happening is that the two expression in the if statement (PauseBut = PrevBut) and (PlayBut) are being logically OR'ed together. Since PlayBut has a value, it is returning True, and thus the ORing of these two expressions is returning True.

I suspect that what you want to do is to for your two expressions to be (PauseBut = PrevBut) and (PauseBut = PlayBut), and for that, the correct syntax would be

If ((PauseBut = PrevBut) Or (PauseBut = PlayBut)) Then

The Parens are not necessary, but to remove any question and ambiguity, I always fully parenthesize compound conditionals. Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Ah, thanks guys...
I thought i might be something simple like that...

Coming from a physics background, the OR to me, would hav meaned either one OR the other... but obviously VB doesnt like being treated this way...

thanks again!

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I notice that you have asked 10 questions in this forum, but not marked any as helpful! Let me know if this helps
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'There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.'
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