Here is the code:
1. {sa_bale_class.sale_no} = {?sale_no_in} and
2. {sa_bale_class.current_division_no} <> 35 and
3. {sa_bale_class.current_division_no} <> 38 and
4. If {?drop-no-in}>0 Then
5. {sa_bale_class.sale_drop_no}={?drop-no-in}
6. Else
7. {sa_bale_class.sale_drop_no}> 0
From the -If- and down is being ignored. All that Crystal is interpreting is the first three lines. Any advice?
1. {sa_bale_class.sale_no} = {?sale_no_in} and
2. {sa_bale_class.current_division_no} <> 35 and
3. {sa_bale_class.current_division_no} <> 38 and
4. If {?drop-no-in}>0 Then
5. {sa_bale_class.sale_drop_no}={?drop-no-in}
6. Else
7. {sa_bale_class.sale_drop_no}> 0
From the -If- and down is being ignored. All that Crystal is interpreting is the first three lines. Any advice?