I need a help with an If Clause. i have three contradicting conditions and the results are not always stisfactory.
The conditions are :
If IsNull(Me![Customerid]) = True Then
If Me![ChkStorehouse] = False Or Me!ChkWarehouse = False Then
I wil explain what i want to do:
1. The entire code must work only when Customerid is not null
2. the code DoSomething must not work if
ChkSotreshouse = True
or ChkWarehouse = True
The conditions are :
If IsNull(Me![Customerid]) = True Then
If Me![ChkStorehouse] = False Or Me!ChkWarehouse = False Then
I wil explain what i want to do:
1. The entire code must work only when Customerid is not null
2. the code DoSomething must not work if
ChkSotreshouse = True
or ChkWarehouse = True