Hello again!
We have a Published phone number (call it 1234) that's being "translated" to our Front Desk Attendant. Call it 3456. We can get 3 to 4 calls going as that's how many sets we have. But if one person is up there alone and he is on a call, the incoming caller just gets a ringing ad nauseam.
How can we set it so if after some rings no one picks up, it goes to a message then a queue? Or it goes to vmail box?
Who switches the number, Comcast or Us?
thanx in advance!
GUISareapsasing fad.
Nortel Meridian1
Version 2511
Release 25
Issue 8
We have a Published phone number (call it 1234) that's being "translated" to our Front Desk Attendant. Call it 3456. We can get 3 to 4 calls going as that's how many sets we have. But if one person is up there alone and he is on a call, the incoming caller just gets a ringing ad nauseam.
How can we set it so if after some rings no one picks up, it goes to a message then a queue? Or it goes to vmail box?
Who switches the number, Comcast or Us?
thanx in advance!
GUISareapsasing fad.
Nortel Meridian1
Version 2511
Release 25
Issue 8