I had a look there. I know that site, they are good! I tested their solution but it doesn't work for the latest netscape version. I did a little test and it seems that "layer" is not supported by NS6.
Anybody knows till what version "layer is supported and what the equivalent is for NS6.
NS6 behaves as a (mostly) W3C compliant browser. There is no equivalent to a layers collection, as every element on the page is exposed to script through the DOM. To access a div with an id of 'benluc' in NS6 (and IE5+!!):
mydiv = document.getElementById("benluc"
now you can use (for IE5+/NS6):
mydiv.innerHTML = "Crossbrowser code without <b>trying</b>!!"
now the sad part of the story... NS4 is holding back the web. Do everything in your power not to support it.
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