I cannot for the life of me work out why I can't get a simple menu to work in IE6 & IE7.
The following menu is what I have...
the bits in bold i've added however in IE7 for some reason I have to give the first ul a 100% left for it to line up, however in IE6 the ul when shown is 50% floating off to the right (eg there is a big gap), it seems IE7 & IE6 need different left:% percentages for the menu to work, how do I apply CSS to an element depending on browser version of it within the CSS itself?
also in IE6 ul#navmenu ul ul { width: 300px;} works fine but in IE7 the third popout menu is still the same width as the others (160px) why won't IE7 apply this CSS to the element.
also in IE6 each menu item (row) are tight up against each other yet in IE7 there is a small gap between each item.
here is the site I'm taking the menu from and they seem to have the same problem with their own menu with the gap in IE7.
alternatively can someone point me to a three level popout menu that works in IE6 and IE7 as i'm really starting to loose the plot here! , I've never before forced my users to use a specific browser but i'm getting to the point that I might have too!
"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you.
The following menu is what I have...
font-size: 12pt;
/* Begin CSS Popout Menu */
/* Root = Vertical, Secondary = Vertical */
ul#navmenu li,
ul#navmenu ul {
width: 160px; /*For KHTML*/
list-style: none;
ul#navmenu li {
display: block !important; /*For GOOD browsers*/
display: inline; /*For IE*/
position: relative;
/* Root Menu */
ul#navmenu a {
border: 1px solid #FFF;
border-right-color: #CCC;
border-bottom-color: #CCC;
padding: 0 6px;
display: block;
background: #EEE;
color: #666;
font: bold 10px/22px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-decoration: none;
height: auto !important;
height: 1%; /*For IE*/
/* Root Menu Hover Persistence */
ul#navmenu a:hover,
ul#navmenu li:hover a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover a {
background: #CCC;
color: #FFF;
/* 2nd Menu */
ul#navmenu li:hover li a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li a {
background: #EEE;
color: #666;
/* 2nd Menu Hover Persistence */
ul#navmenu li:hover li a:hover,
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li a:hover,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover a {
background: #CCC;
color: #FFF;
/* 3rd Menu */
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover li a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover li a {
background: #EEE;
color: #666;
/* 3rd Menu Hover Persistence */
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover li a:hover,
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover li:hover a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover li a:hover,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover li.iehover a {
background: #CCC;
color: #FFF;
/* 4th Menu */
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover li:hover li a,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover li.iehover li a {
background: #EEE;
color: #666;
/* 4th Menu Hover */
ul#navmenu li:hover li:hover li:hover li a:hover,
ul#navmenu li.iehover li.iehover li.iehover li a:hover {
background: #CCC;
color: #FFF;
ul#navmenu ul,
ul#navmenu ul ul,
ul#navmenu ul ul ul {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
ul#navmenu ul {
ul#navmenu ul ul {
left: 50%;
/* Do Not Move - Must Come Before display:block for Gecko */
ul#navmenu li:hover ul ul,
ul#navmenu li:hover ul ul ul,
ul#navmenu li.iehover ul ul,
ul#navmenu li.iehover ul ul ul {
display: none;
ul#navmenu li:hover ul,
ul#navmenu ul li:hover ul,
ul#navmenu ul ul li:hover ul,
ul#navmenu li.iehover ul,
ul#navmenu ul li.iehover ul,
ul#navmenu ul ul li.iehover ul {
display: block;
ul#navmenu ul ul {
width: 300px;
the bits in bold i've added however in IE7 for some reason I have to give the first ul a 100% left for it to line up, however in IE6 the ul when shown is 50% floating off to the right (eg there is a big gap), it seems IE7 & IE6 need different left:% percentages for the menu to work, how do I apply CSS to an element depending on browser version of it within the CSS itself?
also in IE6 ul#navmenu ul ul { width: 300px;} works fine but in IE7 the third popout menu is still the same width as the others (160px) why won't IE7 apply this CSS to the element.
also in IE6 each menu item (row) are tight up against each other yet in IE7 there is a small gap between each item.
here is the site I'm taking the menu from and they seem to have the same problem with their own menu with the gap in IE7.
alternatively can someone point me to a three level popout menu that works in IE6 and IE7 as i'm really starting to loose the plot here! , I've never before forced my users to use a specific browser but i'm getting to the point that I might have too!
"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you.