Setting Document/Printer Properties with ie5 browser ocx or with html
I want to print html forms in differen sizes, orintation with the browser control.
I tried three approaches:
1. size and orientation in the .html file
example: <style> @page { size:21.0cm 14.5cm;landscape } </style>
but this needs CSS2 support which the internet explorer does not
-or is there another way?
2. application driven
at the moment i have a small VB sample application that works quit well
WebBrowser.Navigate (AnyUrl)
Private Sub WebBrowser_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
End Sub
except for the fact, that i have to configure the printer manually
OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER shows the printer dialog but i would rather use
OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER and apply the settings programatically
-can i change the settings with VB or do i have to do this in C++ using COM?
-does anyone hav an example.
-i am a C++ programmer with some basic knowledge of MFC.
-but i dont know how to handle IPrint:
rint with DEVMODE
3. default printer settings
i also tried to change the printer properties (start/settings/printers)
but the browser just does not use them.
may be there is somewhere a template i could use
internet explorer/ properties / general (tab) / accessibility (button) / user style sheet
-how must a stylesheet look?
-would it work like this? or are these stylesheets only for display?
Yours Sincerely // Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Theo Portmann
Atraxis AG
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport
Phone: +41 1 812 28 63
Telefax: +41 1 812 90 31
I want to print html forms in differen sizes, orintation with the browser control.
I tried three approaches:
1. size and orientation in the .html file
example: <style> @page { size:21.0cm 14.5cm;landscape } </style>
but this needs CSS2 support which the internet explorer does not
-or is there another way?
2. application driven
at the moment i have a small VB sample application that works quit well
WebBrowser.Navigate (AnyUrl)
Private Sub WebBrowser_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
End Sub
except for the fact, that i have to configure the printer manually
OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER shows the printer dialog but i would rather use
OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER and apply the settings programatically
-can i change the settings with VB or do i have to do this in C++ using COM?
-does anyone hav an example.
-i am a C++ programmer with some basic knowledge of MFC.
-but i dont know how to handle IPrint:
3. default printer settings
i also tried to change the printer properties (start/settings/printers)
but the browser just does not use them.
may be there is somewhere a template i could use
internet explorer/ properties / general (tab) / accessibility (button) / user style sheet
-how must a stylesheet look?
-would it work like this? or are these stylesheets only for display?
Yours Sincerely // Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Theo Portmann
Atraxis AG
CH-8058 Zurich-Airport
Phone: +41 1 812 28 63
Telefax: +41 1 812 90 31