Hi all - interesting problem No1001...
Laptop System W98 with IE5.5 or 6 (tried both) on LAN runs thru a proxy (say port80) has a tick in both discover and also named (use)proxy server and works great. However, remove from LAN and use dial up networking to any ISP (I've tried a few) and IE grinds to a halt, wont even open a page (timeout - not DNS).
I can ping and tracert to ANY website and the speed is fine,
I've tried removing the named proxy server, ripped out and reinstalled IE, removed TCP/IP (although left base netcard).
Only thing I can think of was that AOL and freeserve were installed (oh foolish user!) at one point and they may have left something nasty which is inflicting pain on IE....
Laptop System W98 with IE5.5 or 6 (tried both) on LAN runs thru a proxy (say port80) has a tick in both discover and also named (use)proxy server and works great. However, remove from LAN and use dial up networking to any ISP (I've tried a few) and IE grinds to a halt, wont even open a page (timeout - not DNS).
I can ping and tracert to ANY website and the speed is fine,
I've tried removing the named proxy server, ripped out and reinstalled IE, removed TCP/IP (although left base netcard).
Only thing I can think of was that AOL and freeserve were installed (oh foolish user!) at one point and they may have left something nasty which is inflicting pain on IE....