I have a script which launches IE and navigates to a specific web page.
My issue is this...
If I launch IE like this...
The page errors out and won't launch the page.
It might work at best 1/3 the time. Always fails the first time a user logs on. In which the script will perform a TS install of the client software before launching IE.
But if I launch IE this way...
it works every time. But I loose the control the first example allows.
Any ideas why one way works but the other doesn't???
John Fuhrman
Titan Global Services
My issue is this...
If I launch IE like this...
The page errors out and won't launch the page.
It might work at best 1/3 the time. Always fails the first time a user logs on. In which the script will perform a TS install of the client software before launching IE.
' Run Core Browser
Set objIE=WScript.createobject("internetexplorer.application","objIE")
objIE.visible = True
objIE.AddressBar = True
objIE.StatusBar = False
objIE.MenuBar = True
objIE.FullScreen = False
URL = "//" & UserComputer & "/CoreDirector_" & strCoreServerVersion &_
"/login.aspx?BK=" & strBank
But if I launch IE this way...
it works every time. But I loose the control the first example allows.
If strCounter > 0 Then
' WScript.Echo "User is member of multiple banks"
Exit For ' Causes For...Next loop to end
strCounter = strCounter + 1 ' Increment counter for next loop
End If
sExePath = "C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe"
' Set switch for silent installation of workstation client.
sSwitches = "-new [URL unfurl="true"]http://"[/URL] & UserComputer & _
"/CoreDirector_" & strCoreServerVersion & "/login.aspx?BK=" & strBank
' WScript.Echo Chr(34) & sExePath & Chr(34) & " " & sSwitches & ", 3, False"
If objFSO.FileExists(sExePath) Then
objShell.Run Chr(34) & sExePath & Chr(34) & " " & sSwitches, 3, False
End If
Any ideas why one way works but the other doesn't???
John Fuhrman
Titan Global Services