I would like IE5.5 on my Proxy Machine to go through the proxy, ad be logged, but it seems that it goes out on to the net directly, and seems to disable the proxy settings after a couple of starts on Explorer 5.5...<br><br>Any ideas??
You could set up a second proxy server and route that browser thru the second and visa-versa. "Criss-cross". You could also get third party logging software and install it on that proxy.
You may be able to set and lock your proxy settings by editting the registry.
Backup the registry and/or export the following key.
Open regedit, navigate to:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
Right-click on the Internet Explorer key, choose new>Key, name it Control Panel
Right-click on Control Panel,choose new>DWORD value, name it Proxy and give it a value of 1.
I tried the hack below on 5 windows machines and it worked on 1. Do anyone know of a better or more stable hack for this? It worked on 1 win98 machine and failed on Win2000 pro and windows ME..
reghakr (IS/IT--Manageme) Sep 3, 2000
You may be able to set and lock your proxy settings by editting the registry.
Backup the registry and/or export the following key.
Open regedit, navigate to:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
Right-click on the Internet Explorer key, choose new>Key, name it Control Panel
Right-click on Control Panel,choose new>DWORD value, name it Proxy and give it a value of 1.
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