I just loaded IDS.2000 v. 9.21.TC1 on an NT 4.0 (SP6) Workstation machine. It is installed on the D drive. I am attempting to set up my db on the E drive, which is actually a mapping to a directory on the RAID on my NT server box. Logged in as the informix user, I created a file called, "anewdbspace," by entering "type nul > anewdbspace" at an MS-DOS prompt. Then I went into my server via Start-Programs-Informix Server 2000 9.21-ol_xxxx and entered "onspaces -c -d anewdbspace -p E:\IFMXDATA\ol_xxxx\anewdbspace -o 0 -s 8192" It responds with, "The file E:\IFMXDATA\ol_xxxx\anewdbspace does not exist." I entered "dir" and the file was listed with a size of zero. I also entered "onstat -d" and it indicated that the server was on-line. Any help would be appreciated. (BTW, what are some good books to get to learn how to set-up/configure/use IDS 2000?)