Can anyone point me to a VPN idiots guide, either thread on here or pages on the web? To be fair I'm not complete idiot (I've 30 years in IT, and can look after basic home or small office lans, but don't go much beyond the basic configuring of routers IP addresses, subnets, DNS, security and the like. I can't find anything like that in the FAQ's.
FYI my aim is to connect to my home network (ADSL, stable IP address though not guaranteed fixed, via Netgear DG824M, behind which I also have a Belkin Pre-N wireless router [not relevant, I know]) from the LAN in a friend's (owned) small company. If I can do this and gain reasonable understanding, then I'll try to help that friend access his company's LAN from his home.
FYI my aim is to connect to my home network (ADSL, stable IP address though not guaranteed fixed, via Netgear DG824M, behind which I also have a Belkin Pre-N wireless router [not relevant, I know]) from the LAN in a friend's (owned) small company. If I can do this and gain reasonable understanding, then I'll try to help that friend access his company's LAN from his home.