I have a strange problem with IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL().I am using DB2 UDB Express 8.2 on Windows 2003. Sometimes when I want to insert a values in a table give me the error 'You are attempting to add an entry that already exists. ' - seem that IDENTITY is not incremented by 1.
Which can be the cause ? the column is declared GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY( START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1, NO CYCLE,MINVALUE 1,MAXVALUE 2147483647, CACHE 20 )
I have a strange problem with IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL().I am using DB2 UDB Express 8.2 on Windows 2003. Sometimes when I want to insert a values in a table give me the error 'You are attempting to add an entry that already exists. ' - seem that IDENTITY is not incremented by 1.
Which can be the cause ? the column is declared GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY( START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1, NO CYCLE,MINVALUE 1,MAXVALUE 2147483647, CACHE 20 )