One of my clients wants to have the views and transaction screens (of which there are many) set up so that users can only access customers and related transactions that are "theirs". This would not only involve arcusfil, oeordhdr, oeordlin, iminvtrx. The list is virtually endless. They don't want 2 companies because both companies sell the same items, they just pretend to the outside world they are 2 separate companies, therefore inventory management would be a nightmare. I can think of a few creative ways to modify searches, but they could still get to the data we are "hiding" by using the vcr buttons to scroll through the file or randomly type in a customer or order number they saw on someone else's desk. Short of writing a brand new front end for any of these transactions & views, does anyone have any ideas? Can any of you eSynergy users tell me if we can restrict the access to the big database by customer & user? And, if we can, do the links to order entry now exist so they can see their orders & check stock from esynergy so that I could remove their macola access? We are psql2000i & macola 7.6.100a.