I have a SATA drive in a laptop that is flaky - right now I cannot boot it. It has XP Home installed. I got one of those adapters to interface SATA with IDE with the intent of putting the SATA drive as a secondary in another desktop, but the desktop only supports IDE. The adapter came with a 7 pin cable and a 4 pin power cable, yet the power cable does not interface with what I believe to be the power connector on the drive. The drive has 3 connectors - the 4 pin (believe is power), a 7 pin, and then a 15 pin connector. The adapter has a 4 pin connector that the power cable fits on, a 7 pin connector, and an IDE female connector. I assume I can plug the adapter onto the MOBO IDE connector, plug the 4 pin cable to a Molex power connector and the adapter, but then I only have the 7 pin cable to go from the adapter to the SATA drive - I think I am missing something, but do not know what.