I recently acquired a scoket 478 motherboard and celeron 2G cpu from a friend, who replaced them because intermitten device failures with keyboard and ethernet. I booted up to live distrobution of linux and no problems whatsoever. When I go to install XP the cd starts to boot and says setup is inspecting your hardware, then screen goes blank and computer freezes. After rebooting my hard drive is no longer detected but my cdrom drive is. I let it boot from cdrom without HD detected and the same problem. After several reboots(no specific number) HD is found again. I tried installing Fedora Core 5 and all went well, until I rebooted. Linux starts up just fine, except the acpi error, and I log in. I use Gnome for a while, as a matter of fact Im using it right now, then I switch to the console with Ctl-Alt-F1, use the console no problems, Then I switch back to Xwindows with Ctl-Alt-F7 and I get a black screen and computer freezes. When I reboot my hard drive is again not detected. Also my legacy usb support for my keyboard is not activated. I use my ps/2 keyboard to hit Ctl-Alt-Del and it reboots and now I have legacy usb, but still no HD. I have tried 3 different HDs all will same outcome, and also different cdrom drives and with no cdrom drive. I also tried with lone HD on each controller and same outcome. Also tried different ide cables(40 pin, 80pin, old, new) I tried changing settings in bios but only setting I can change is 32-bit mode enabled/disabled. I have no add-in cards, everything is onboard. This is an intel board out of an HP Pavillion. Please help I am exhausted of ideas.