I'm trying to create a bio book for a meeting in IDCD2. I have all the various details for each person in an Excel spreadsheet, exported to CSV, and after replacing LF chars with ¬ chars so as not to break the import, can merge the content into ID.
What I'd like to do is set up a 2-page template - so the layout of the recto page is the opposite of that on the verso page - but I can't seem to get the data merge to work properly.
Using a master spread, I've created a rough layout (as a test) and inserted the merge fields into both pages of the spread. However when I go to preview, or create the completed document, then the same record appears on both pages. I can't seem to have ID merge a different record to each page of a spread.
Any ideas?
What I'd like to do is set up a 2-page template - so the layout of the recto page is the opposite of that on the verso page - but I can't seem to get the data merge to work properly.
Using a master spread, I've created a rough layout (as a test) and inserted the merge fields into both pages of the spread. However when I go to preview, or create the completed document, then the same record appears on both pages. I can't seem to have ID merge a different record to each page of a spread.
Any ideas?