I have an Infragistics control that is populated at run time. I have set a property of that control(item.Tag = Question.QuestionID).
When referencing the item.tag on the item on_click event I get the Id.tag = nothing. This blows my application out of the water.
To test I sent a string (item.Text = thisQuestion.Name)In the item click event(selectedItem.Text) I got name.
I need the QuestionID to create a new QuestionLanguage object in the click event.
Another idea was to
Session("thisQuestion" = thisQuestion and to refer to the Session
This did not work.... thisQuestion is populated in a
For Each [obj] In [collection of Obj's]
dim a new thisQuestion(sent parameters)
add child nodes to parent nodes
set tag.ID
I need a way to get the selected items 'QuestionID'
When referencing the item.tag on the item on_click event I get the Id.tag = nothing. This blows my application out of the water.
To test I sent a string (item.Text = thisQuestion.Name)In the item click event(selectedItem.Text) I got name.
I need the QuestionID to create a new QuestionLanguage object in the click event.
Another idea was to
Session("thisQuestion" = thisQuestion and to refer to the Session
This did not work.... thisQuestion is populated in a
For Each [obj] In [collection of Obj's]
dim a new thisQuestion(sent parameters)
add child nodes to parent nodes
set tag.ID
I need a way to get the selected items 'QuestionID'