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Jun 1, 2002
I'm somewhat new to 0x32 systems and brand new to DT1 cards as DID for 18 channels. I installed the 0x32,5.0MICS, clock serv. card. powered it up. the stations come up but not the T1. The cable -- crossover to the VINA unit or not? What specific programing for station? Thanks for any info you might have.
After doing to beginning power up, did you go into maintenance, disable the card, then go into hardware, program the card, then re-enable the card? The following is the basic programming for a T-1 with two-way DID channels:How to Install a T1:

You must have either a Services Cartridge (slot 1) or a 6-port Combo card (slot 2) in order to provide clocking for the T-1. Only one of these is needed, even if you have two DTI cards.
The DTI card should go into Slot 4 first. If you have a second card it would go into Slot 3.
You must disable the card first, program the card for T1, then re-enable the card.

To Disable / Enable Card
From Terminals & Sets – Next until you get to Maintenance – Show
Next until get to Module Status – Show
Show module – Next
KSU (1): Next or State if using (2) cards
KSU (2): State
( ) Ports Busy – Press Disable or Enable
Disable at Once? – Yes

Protocols & Signaling
Hardware – Show
Show Module – Next
Cards on KSU – Show
Cd1 – KSU: Change to T-1 – Show
Card Type T-1 – Next
Lines: 001-024 – Next
Protocol: SL1 – Next (check with your Telco Carrier for setting)
Type Slave – Next
Bchanseq: Ascend or Descend – Next (check with your Telco Carrier for setting)
CO Fail: TIA–547A – Next
IF Levels: ISDN – Next
Framing: ESF – Next (usually ESF, check with your Carrier
Internal CSU: ON – Next
{need to have either an external CSU or turn the internal one on. If customer needs to use some channels for data then they’ll need a CSU/DSU to split off channels before the 0X32. OR to split off data channels after 0X32 they’ll need a Nortel Data Interface (NDI) plus bandwidth allocation key codes}
DSX1 Bld: 000-100
Line Coding: B8ZS (usually B8ZS, check with the Carrier)
ClockSrc: Primary (second card would be secondary)

Re-enable the card in Maintenance now.

Channel Set Up
From Lines: - Show
Line001:Line001 – Show (you’re entering your channel numbers here. If you’re using straight DID cards, then you’ll begin with ‘line’ 049)
Trunk/Line data – Show
TrunkType: E&M – Next
Line type: Pool A - Next
Dial Mode: Tone – Next
PrimeSet: 221 – Next
Auto privacy: Y – Next
Ans Mode: Auto – Next
Ans with DISA: N – Next
Aux. Ringer: N – Next
Signal: WinkStart – Next
ANI number: N – Next
End of List

Target Lines Programming:
From Lines – Show
Show LN: 145 – Show (target line range from 145-275 non-XC SW, 145-336 XC SW)
Target LN – Next
Private to: (extension number) – Next
Rec’d #: (enter digits Telco is sending) – Next
If Busy: to prime – Next
PrimeSet: 221 change to the extension # - Next
CLID Set: None – Next
Aux. Ringer: N – Next
End of list

Hope this helps,

mroberts- Thanks for all the info it really was a lot more help than the tech supt. I was getting from the supplier. I found that I did need a crossover cable fromm the T1 to ox32 and that the light is burnt out on the front of the card, also the provider was not providing dial tone like they said they would (just another point of confusion for me). but the programing you provided was a big help...Thanks again. This is just one of those experiences that will be a big help down the line, no matter how frustrating it is right now. phonmancps
No sweat..... Most telcos will not provide secondary dial tone on T-1s. Some will but most won't. Just the way it is sometimes. If you need anything else, just let me know.

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