Hello..I recently networked my 2 computers together using crossover cable. I am wanting to use ICS to share my dial-up but cant seem to get this working right. Ip for the LAN connection is as it has to be for ICS to work correctly. It says to have your client auto get its IP but when i set it to that option, it gets an ip that isnt I don't know what im doing wrong to make it to this. It just started doing it after i reformatted the 2nd computer. Before, i would have to release and renew the ip on the 2nd comp but it was working. Now, i cannot get it to auto assign an ip at all to the 2nd comp that will allow the comps to see each other. I'm also running kerio's personal firewall but ive disabled it before attempting ics everytime. I'm kinda stumped so i hope my rambling wasnt too confusing to anyone :\ any help is greatly appreciated.