An icon only shows up on the desktop of a Laptop when docked. The attached pictures shows the icon on one of the two dual monitors when docked. Take the laptop off the docking station and the icon disappears from the desktop. The laptop is a T420 Lenovo with Windows 7 and docked in a T420 docking station. The icon can be moved around the desktop with left mouse held down and when right clicked on it nothing happens. No second window pops up. Has anyone seen and know what this icon represents and why? My guess it means the laptop has been put in a dock and something to do with the lock. I don't have the chance for any testing at this time. The users laptop key was in the docking station lock but not locked, my after thought was to see if the key was put in the lock position what the icon would then do. Take the keys out etc etc but like I say no further in depth testing can be done till meet the customer next week. The customer wants to know more and have it removed.