Our environment uses Exchange 2003 / Outlook 2003, but our users very frequently receive meeting invites from a Lotus Domino / Notes environment.
When the meeting invites come from Lotus Domino, they are sent as an .ics file attachment to Outlook users. The Outlook users can open this file, accept the meeting and it will be added to their Outlook calendar.
The problem is that when the meeting is added, it does not have the standard 15 minute reminder set. This is a big problem.
I've discovered that if I manually add the following to an .ics file, the 15 minute reminder will be set:
(The .ics file additions above go right before the END:VEVENT and END:VCALENDAR at the end of the .ics file)
So my question for the Exchange gurus:
Is there a way to add/appened the information above to all .ics file attachments, or even better - .ics file attachments received from a specific server or servers?