We have an IBM xSeries 346 server (2x3.6 Xeon processors, 2GB RAM) with a RAID 5 configuration and Windows 2003 Server installed. When we copy a 0.5GB file from the local drive to the drive array, the time to do this is extremly slow. The results aren't even consistent, and it gets slower each time we do it. Then we tried to copy a 0.5GB file from the drive array to the local drive. On the first try, it was copied in 3 seconds. Every subsequent time we copied this file (from drive array to local disk) we couldn't obtain 3 seconds. Actually, we were getting times like 2 - 4 mins, each time getting slower and slower. We thought maybe it was because of the RAID 5 configuration, but we still should be getting consistent results. Before I get any replies, I must tell you I'm not a computer engineer. My expertise is in software engineering, so please explain whats going on in simple terms .