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IBM MQ - Message consumption options and performance issue

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Dec 17, 2006

We have a scenario in our application to explicitly consume 10,0000 messages from a queue having 1,00,000 message (Queue depth). Basically we are expecting a solution either in Java or C++ that can consume these messages in a lesser time. Right now with Java it takes about 32 minutes and with C++ it takes about 42 minutes. Please note that these 10,000 messages are to identified based on its (JMS)CorrelationID header value. Actually these correlationIDs have a pattern. For example, consume all messages with the (JMS)CorrelationID that contains the String "A" [In this case the 10,000 messages will have the (JMS)CorrelationID as 000000000000000000A1[0000 - 9999]



We create a QueueReceiver on a QueueSesion using message selector technique. For example we use the following statement.

Queue queue = //Get the required queue
String selector = "JMSCorrelationID LIKE '%A%'"
QueueReceiver queueReceiver = queueSession.createReceiver(queue, selector);
Message m;
TextMessage msg;
while ((m = queueReceiver.receive(1000)) != null) {
msg = (TextMessage)m;


//Open Queue etc
//Create a Vector with the require correlationIDs to consume
vector<string> corrVec;
for ( int i = 10000; i < 20000 ; i++ )
char IntStr[10] ;
sprintf( IntStr, "%d", i ) ;
string integer = IntStr;
string str = "A" + integer;
string newstr = createCorrelationId(str);

// Iterating through the vector and construct a message with each CorrealtionID and consume
vector<string>::iterator iter;
string strCorrIdParam;
for ( iter = corrVec.begin(); iter != corrVec.end(); iter++ )

strCorrIdParam = *iter;
cout << strCorrIdParam <<endl;
char * respBuffer = new char[RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE];

//Prepare to GET and PUT the message

gmo.setWaitInterval( MQWI_UNLIMITED );

MQLONG buflen;
//Since we are NOT looking for a specific message, //set the message id and the correlation id to default values
msg.setMessageId( );

// Adding correlation Id to MSg

//Get a message from the queue
string strResponseMessage;
if ( in_queue.get( msg, gmo ) )
if ( msg.formatIs( MQFMT_STRING ) )
char *msgData = msg.bufferPointer();
buflen = msg.dataLength();
char *buffer = new char[buflen + 1];
memcpy(buffer, msgData, buflen);
buffer[buflen] = '\0';
strResponseMessage = buffer;
delete [] buffer;
delete [] respBuffer;


First we used Java with the messageSelector approach and as we heard that this approach is not an efficient one, we moved on to C++ with a straight forward approach to look up for each specfic message. But this also did not meet our expectations.


1) Is really C++ way is better than the Java's message selector approach?
2) Is there a better way (in JMS or MQ API) to quickly consume a message based on its JMSCorrelationID either in C++ or Java?
3) Is there any way in MQ administration/Configuration options to allow consumption/delivery faster?
4) Is there any code clean up required in the above source code?
5) In JMS/MQAPI we also have Consumer, Browser classes apart from Receiver class. Will that improve performance?
6) Can we improve in anyway at client side? For example run a dedicated Thread/Process that only does this Job, avoid logging during this process, Close any other resources etc?
7) Is there an entirely different solution for this?

Any help is highly appreciated.

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