IBM cli driver [DB2/HPUX]SQL0805N Package "NULLID.SYSSH200" was not found. SQLSTATE=51002
you are connecting to a V7 or Older Database with a V8 or Newer IBM DB2 Runtime Client.Due to inter-version Incompatibility issues that exist with this combination of databases server and runtime client,please refer to your IBM DB2 UDB V8.1 Realease Notes,Part 1, "Back Level Server Support,"for More Information.
you are connecting to a V7 or Older Database with a V8 or Newer IBM DB2 Runtime Client.Due to inter-version Incompatibility issues that exist with this combination of databases server and runtime client,please refer to your IBM DB2 UDB V8.1 Realease Notes,Part 1, "Back Level Server Support,"for More Information.