Can anybody help.I am trying to create a formula that will look at a cell in the next column and if it contains a time . copy the said time into this cell.
I have a time in B2 the is 12:8 and in C2 I have a word, iIn D2 I have another time eg, 14:56.
`I a, trying to write a formula that will check the cell and if it contains a time , copy it into B1 and the D1.
I tried chaging the format of the cell , but as you say this will change it into a number. so when I tried =IF(mid(B2,3,1)":",B2,0) but this wont work because it is a a decemal number.
Because of this I was wondering if a TIME fuction can be used, so if the cell as a date and tinme format this result will be then copiee into a cell.
Then look at the Cell worksheet function "format" with return values of
h:mm AM/PM "D7"
h:mm:ss AM/PM "D6"
h:mm "D9"
h:mm:ss "D8"
B1: = if(and(cell("format",B2)>="D7",cell("format",B2)<="D9"),B2,"")
Skip, [red]Be advised:[/red] The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac, lays awake all night wondering... "Is there really a DOG?"
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