Try using port 7000. Port 4100 is usually reserved for the Succession range.
Here is part of my old guide below.
How to program a Nortel I2002 / I2004 Internet Soft Phone
There are two ways to get into the phones programming.
Plug in the Lan RS232 cord, before you plug in the phones power cord. Upon the phones power-up sequence, you will see the “Nortel Networks” message. At that point, press the Four buttons below the display screen from Left to Right very quickly!.
Another way is to use the “SKS” (silly key sequence) method. This is used when the phone has already been powered up & saves the need to manually unplug / turn off the power source.
Press the Mute Key, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Left Arrow, Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Mute Key & any Key on the keypad.
If it’s successful, Then you will see the following information on the screen.
Manual Cfg
DHCP? (0 – No, 1-Yes): 1 “Press 1”
DHCP:0-Full, 1-Partial:1 “Press 1”
S1 IP: “Enter in the IP Address”
S1 PORT: 4100 “Key in 4100 for Meridian, Succession, Call Server and 7000 for a BCM System”
S1 ACTION: 1 “Press Enter”
S1 RETRY COUNT: 10 “Press Enter”
S2 IP: “Press Enter”
S2 PORT: 4100 “Press Enter”
S2 ACTION: 1 “Press Enter”
S2 RETRY COUNT: 10 “Press Enter”
VLAN?(0-No, 1-Ma, 2-Au)0 “Press 0”
Cfg XAS?(0-No, 1-Yes):1 “Press 0”
XAS IP: “Press Enter”
The phone will reset & then power up to look for the IP address listed as above. If all is well, then you will be prompted to enter in the node & TN for a Succession system or a BCM password / Telset Login and password.
Thank you, I now have the port number, but now I need the password for the phone. It is an I2004 phone, and I already tried color*set, but this didnt work. I think the color*set is for the 1100 series phones.
got it ,,,,,thanks.
. Password login for BCM IP phones.
Key in the Nortel default telset ID of "setnna", which is also 738662 on the phones keypad. Then key in the default password associated with it of "config" or (266344).
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