I was fooling around building a new site and accidentally came across a way to detect the right mouse button and mouse wheel - thought it might come in handy for some of you so here it is.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// check for mouse clicks
if (Key.isDown(2)) {
trace ("You just pressed the right mouse button"
if (Key.isDown(4)) {
trace ("You have a wheel mouse"
Unfortunately the normal right click menu still appears (or the "about Flash Player" stuff if you have the menu disabled) but the wheel click doesn't bring up anything so it might be useful.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// check for mouse clicks
if (Key.isDown(2)) {
trace ("You just pressed the right mouse button"
if (Key.isDown(4)) {
trace ("You have a wheel mouse"
Unfortunately the normal right click menu still appears (or the "about Flash Player" stuff if you have the menu disabled) but the wheel click doesn't bring up anything so it might be useful.