by default the website takes payment in GBP - however i want to be able to use a CMS to allow me to add as many 'new currencies' as possible - i.e tomorrow I add US Dollars and Australian Dollars.
Once I do this - if I get hits to the website from either nation , then the items on my website shall be shown with the respective currency relating to the country the visitor is coming from
i.e if somebody in NYC comes to my website - they do not see the prices in GBP (Default) - rather, they see them in Dollars $.
will i need to hard code some rules , i.e write a php script for this sort of thing ?
isn't it possible to 'identify' where a visitor comes from by just their IP address ? if the visitors are from Japan - show the prices in JApanese currency, if they're from India show prices in rupees, if they're from Switzerland..you catch my drift ?
any tips or advice would be welcomed folks - what is the best approach for this ?
Once I do this - if I get hits to the website from either nation , then the items on my website shall be shown with the respective currency relating to the country the visitor is coming from
i.e if somebody in NYC comes to my website - they do not see the prices in GBP (Default) - rather, they see them in Dollars $.
will i need to hard code some rules , i.e write a php script for this sort of thing ?
isn't it possible to 'identify' where a visitor comes from by just their IP address ? if the visitors are from Japan - show the prices in JApanese currency, if they're from India show prices in rupees, if they're from Switzerland..you catch my drift ?
any tips or advice would be welcomed folks - what is the best approach for this ?