I want to create multiple reports with the following criteria:
OrdDate > 7/1/03
Status not equal "1Green" or "2Green"
Department1 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality" OR
Department2 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality" OR
Department3 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality"
Then combine Department1 & Department2 & Department3 together (I know I could have done this better, but I'm a newbie)
Then I want to count how many records this returns
Then I want to export this into Excel
Caution - I don't know coding so if you give me coding I need to know details because what may be apparent to you will never be apparent to me.
Let me know if you need additional information.
Thanks in advance.
OrdDate > 7/1/03
Status not equal "1Green" or "2Green"
Department1 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality" OR
Department2 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality" OR
Department3 = "Sales" or "Service" or "Quality"
Then combine Department1 & Department2 & Department3 together (I know I could have done this better, but I'm a newbie)
Then I want to count how many records this returns
Then I want to export this into Excel
Caution - I don't know coding so if you give me coding I need to know details because what may be apparent to you will never be apparent to me.
Let me know if you need additional information.
Thanks in advance.