If ({@PercentDelta} > .12 or {@PercentDelta} < -.12) and
Sum ({apc_correlated.ons}, {apc_correlated.transit_date_time}, "daily") > 30 and
Sum ({apc_correlated.offs}, {apc_correlated.transit_date_time}, "daily") > 30
then crYellow
else crNoColor
The code above highlights the field yellow if "Ons" or "Offs" are greater than 30.
I want to highlight the field only if "Ons" and "Offs" are greater than 30. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the if statement above?
Thanks for any assistance
Sum ({apc_correlated.ons}, {apc_correlated.transit_date_time}, "daily") > 30 and
Sum ({apc_correlated.offs}, {apc_correlated.transit_date_time}, "daily") > 30
then crYellow
else crNoColor
The code above highlights the field yellow if "Ons" or "Offs" are greater than 30.
I want to highlight the field only if "Ons" and "Offs" are greater than 30. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the if statement above?
Thanks for any assistance