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I seem to have a haunting ghost of the bkdr_sdbot.i virus 1

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Technical User
Aug 12, 2003
It just doesn't disapear (BTW I'm running XP w/sp1, and yes I did search, found two or three threads on it, did help find more things, but they keep coming back). Housecall found it in the registry, and cleaned it, but it still comes back every reboot. pc-cillin doesn't even notice it's there, which is odd because they're both by trend, but I dunno, maybe my exe's are getting infected by something else. Rav didn't find anything, and neither did panda's online av's. symantec's is running right now as I type but it's not looking like it's finding anything. I also seemed to have a constant connection to either or some p0rnostar.de site both using port 6667. I've blocked it's connection ability and it seems to have stopped this annoying popup for a web "thug" site. Everything I've tried to get it off doesn't work. System restore is disabled, I've turned off numerous services which might have helped it. None of my processes seem to be spreading it, tried safe mode/scan/regedit. Can't figure it out. I know it's not on my home network, disabled the NIC and unplugged it from my hub/router and it still came up. I'm running out of ideas fast. Just in case, I'll list the processes that are running now, and if I know what they are or not: (be warned, this may get long winded, but I want to give good details if I can)

aim.exe (err... aim.. aol instant messanger)
csrss.exe (client server runtime process)
cthelper.exe (all signs are pointing towards this being for my SBLive! software, it was in 9x)
explorer.exe (uh... do I have to explain this? maybe it's corrupted)
iexplorer.exe (this window right here)
lsass.exe (I've no idea, some shell program I think)
ntvdm.exe (no clue, nt virtual device manager?)
pccclient.exe (pc-cillian software)
pccguide.exe (see above)
pccpfw.exe (same)
pop3trap.exe (same, trying to disable, don't have pop3 email on my comp)
services.exe (suspected, but it won't let me end/move/copy/view/anything, so it seems safe)
smss.exe (win nt's session manager?)
srv.exe (server program, I think. I am very very suspicious of this file, it seems too out of place with server.exe and others running plus the fact it seems to have been created... 5 days ago, but I'm not 100% sure and would rather get some feedback b4 I start nuking files)
svchost.exe x 4 (service host)
taskmgr.exe (hehe task manager to view all these)
tmntsrv.exe (first i thought it was teenage mutant ninja turtle server, but it turns out to be a pc-cillin program)
tmproxy.exe (yet another cillin program)
winlogon.exe (windows logon yes?)

annnd that's them all. If anyone has any clue what's going on or if I should just take a baseball bat to the drive and call it a night, any help would be most appreciated, even if it's a simple "you're stupid, all those are normal and the connection is too". Well, maybe not that part... If any additional info is needed or if this post needs to be erased... just post.

BTW, sorry for the length. Maybe this will help someone else out as well, or maybe someone will learn something from it... beyond the fact that I'm nuts.

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to sit there with a dumb look on your face.
well srv.exe has been removed from the registry, where it was hiding in the run area, ended it, rebooted, so far no connections to a :6667 port, nothing new in registry *crosses fingers* here's to hoping it works

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to sit there with a dumb look on your face.
I have fun. Usualy at my own expense, but I have fun regardless
Well that did it! Thanks much for the help. I just can't believe that basicaly none of the av sites had good info on it, I must have spent all night looking for info.

Thanks again! Hope this helps someone else too!

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to sit there with a dumb look on your face.
I have fun. Usualy at my own expense, but I have fun regardless
You still probably want to search for and delete the file. I just searched my XP system and found no such file, so it probably isn't included with XP.
Well the funny thing is, it's got all the Microsoft info on it. Version number etc etc, but there's no backup. oh well, what's the worst that happens? I have to re-install windows? Feh I'll take my chances with that! Bye bye bad file!!

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to sit there with a dumb look on your face.
I have fun. Usualy at my own expense, but I have fun regardless
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