How can I get this to work? I am new to cold fusion and I cannot seem to get this to work. What am I doing wrong?
<cfhttp url=" method="GET">
<!--- Extract preformatted results --->
<cfset text = #CFHTTP.FileContent#>
<cfset begin = Find("Current Conditions</font></a></font><br>","#text#">
<!--- if incorrect results are returned, print error --->
<cfif #begin# lt 1>
<b>An Error occured, please try again. (Make sure to specify a proxy server if you are behind a firewall.)</b>
<cfset begin = begin + 51>
<cfset output = RemoveChars('#CFHTTP.FileContent#',1,begin)>
<cfset nofooter = Find("<!-- 5 DAY HTML END -->","#output#">
<cfset output = RemoveChars('#output#',#nofooter#,20000)>
<!--- Output preformatted results --->
<table width=450>
<cfhttp url=" method="GET">
<!--- Extract preformatted results --->
<cfset text = #CFHTTP.FileContent#>
<cfset begin = Find("Current Conditions</font></a></font><br>","#text#">
<!--- if incorrect results are returned, print error --->
<cfif #begin# lt 1>
<b>An Error occured, please try again. (Make sure to specify a proxy server if you are behind a firewall.)</b>
<cfset begin = begin + 51>
<cfset output = RemoveChars('#CFHTTP.FileContent#',1,begin)>
<cfset nofooter = Find("<!-- 5 DAY HTML END -->","#output#">
<cfset output = RemoveChars('#output#',#nofooter#,20000)>
<!--- Output preformatted results --->
<table width=450>