Hi all my problem is i'm using arrays when assigning values to my flash dynamic txt fields.
Here is my code:
Response.Write "TabloOut(toind)=" & Server.URLEncode(rsHorCou("" & Tablo(tind) & "")
And this is the "normal code for this task:
Response.Write "sunday=" & Server.URLEncode(rsHorCou("8h00")
Is it cause i'm using arrays?? or my coding???
If you need to see all the code click here:Thread333-164731
Here is my code:
Response.Write "TabloOut(toind)=" & Server.URLEncode(rsHorCou("" & Tablo(tind) & "")
And this is the "normal code for this task:
Response.Write "sunday=" & Server.URLEncode(rsHorCou("8h00")
Is it cause i'm using arrays?? or my coding???
If you need to see all the code click here:Thread333-164731